Developer, Designer, and Project Manager
Spring 2024 for the A&M Game Development Class
Featured in Vizagogo
Play as a Roomblade, a robotic cleaning helper with a knife taped to them. Your job is to clean each room of your owner's house and kill as many dust bunnies before time runs out. Zoom through the level using the quick Clean Mode or become a tornado of death by entering KILL MODE. Killing enemies gives you Roombux that let you buy more powerful weapons to become an even more efficient killing machine. Kill and Clean as much as you can to get higher scores and unlock new levels!
Design & Enemy AI
Here's a summary of the core mechanics and what guided decisions about them:
Vacuuming in the early stages of the level is important, because enemies will spawn in an amount proportional to amountOfDirtLeft / amountOfDirtAtLevelStart
Killing enemies gives the player a small amount of Roombux for an extra incentive
When time runs out, score is based on how much dirt is left, not necessarily how much the player cleaned
(so the player can’t just let bunnies run rampant and farm the dirt they generate)
Based on the player's score they get a star rating (0-3), and they'll be rewarded even more Roombux the better that they did

Post Processing
Cel Shader & Occlusion Masking

Project Management
Here's some screenshots of Trello from midway through production.